Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Week #2 Good Results

Monday was day 15 of my 1st cycle of the experimental drug known by us as “AG-221”.  This was another long day of testing with 9 blood draws, an EKG, chest x-ray and a bone marrow aspiration.  The first blood test review that morning was very good. This was the first time since my initial diagnosis in February 2014 that my White Blood Cell count was up to a “normal” range. (This count more than doubled from a week ago).  Also, my Red Blood Cell and Platelet counts, while still lower than normal, were significantly improved.  We were thrilled at such a good report!  This seems to indicate the experimental treatment is working for me.

It was ironic since I had felt very poor on Saturday and Sunday with nausea, diarrhea and extreme fatigue. Early Monday morning prior to my first appointments, I was feeling so ill that I almost cancelled my day of testing knowing how difficult over 12 hours of this is on me when I feel healthy not to mention the toll it would have with me feeling sick. However, we toughed it out and went on for as long as I could.  As the day went on I felt strong enough to continue and finished on such a positive note of encouragement. Hopefully, they can get this nausea, diarrhea and fatigue under control and it is not a long-term side affect of my treatment.

Mentally and emotionally, I'm very encouraged. We still have a long way to go with my treatment and understand setbacks can happen. For now, we just have to believe in the healing power of good science and our faith in God who makes all things possible.

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